Monday, November 4, 2013


The fall season has come in so quickly and with a suddeness that was quite suprising. Usually around here, the season changes are gradual, but this year the warm summer lingered into the early "fall" months. Then when we weren't looking, the chilly days and nights showed up. I love the crisp air and the way the trees come alive with colors that glow in the dusk light of sunset. A cup of hot tea by a crackling fire and the warmth of my family close by feel so perfect. We are starting to miss our garden right now. We have run out of most of our homegrown produce, and it's kind of difficult to have a garden when living in an apartment. Even though we just moved, we are so ready to move for the final time. Settling somewhere and having a permanent garden, animals, and such. Counting my blessings everyday and looking forward to what's in store. Wishing you all a happy week~

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