Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cozy Living

Some people call it living in a small space, but I like to call it cozy living. We moved into a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment from a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. Our apartment is cute and very cozy indeed! We definitely had to get creative with the limited space to fit all our house into much smaller living quarters. It has been fun and funny at times while unpacking and moving stuff around to fit our needs. I always enjoy a good challenge in the way of re-organizing and re-decorating a space. There are alot of ways to be creative when given a small space to work with. Although we are not completely finished decorating and organizing our cozy, little place, it already feels like home. Here are a few pics of creativity in small spaces ~

Sunday, October 6, 2013


We sold our house! Yes, we are moving. With a little bit of bittersweet fondness, we will say goodbye. Another chapter of our life is beginning to unfold and we are moving forward. For now we are in a temporary home until we settle somewhere permanently. So thankful for all the wonderful memories made in this house, I will cherish them forever. We are looking forward to all the wonderful projects and fixing up our new home will need. I will be sure to keep you all posted on our venture. God bless you and I pray you have a wonderful time in His house today!