Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Yesterday was a gorgeously gray and rainy day. What others call dreary, I find beautiful, I love rainy days. The sound of it falling all around, the way it waters the earth, the way it seems to make everything appear richer in color. There is so much beauty when it rains, you just have to look.
Our garden is in full bloom now. It is so exciting to see little buds appear from beneath the rich soil where you placed a single tiny seed. Oh how magnificent is the handiwork of our God, how he so creatively engineered the seed to turn into something so lovely, and edible. I love to hear the joyful squeal's from my son, saying, "it's growing!", he loves to see the buds of our vegetables appear bigger each new day. Pretty soon they will be big enough to transplant outside into our big garden beds.
We have been working outdoors when the weather permits, to clean up and prune the yard for spring. Although temperatures are still a bit nippy, spring seems to be slowly but surely making it's way in our direction. This year I have decided to plant flowers, lots and lots of them. I love flowers, the colorful, bright bouquet of fragrance they bring to the air. I have started some Lupine seedlings here in the house, hopefully those will take and do well.
Hope ya'll are having a great week and that things are blooming in your world!

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