Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Spring

Happy SPRING ya'll!!! Although rainy and cold, the first day of spring is here. We managed to get outside and still have some fun, wet and muddy fun. I remember as a kid loving to jump into rain puddles, splashing and dancing catching raindrops on my tongue. There is something about spring that brings out the kid in all of us.
I pray that you are enjoying the first day of spring wherever you may be.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Makings of Spring and Family Fun


Signs of spring are popping up all over the yard. My sweet husband picked a lovely little flower for me and my niece gathered a bouquet of her own. Hide and seek, snail watching, and hugs were the order of the afternoon. This evening we gathered around and roasted some marshmallows, ooey gooey, and oh so yummy. What a day of family fun and beauty! I pray that your spring break is going just as well.

Monday, March 16, 2015

27 Weeks and Visitors

27 weeks, wow! I just can't believe I am so close to having this baby. In ten weeks I will be considered full term. Baby is doing well, moving around a lot and keeping mommy awake at night. My belly button is almost an outty now, love when that happens. Not much else to report other than the fact that we have been buying things here and there for this little one. Got some prefolds (cloth diaper inserts) in the mail last week, I am excited about cloth diapering. I am almost finished purchasing the last few necessary items before baby arrives.
On another note, we have been transplanting most of our veggies and herbs to the outdoor garden beds. The weather has been really nice and warm, perfect time to get those babies in the ground. My niece and little brother have come down from Oklahoma to spend their spring break with us. We are having loads of fun and are so happy to have them here. Little brother helped my husband out in the garden yesterday while little niece and Jacob picked dandelions.
Busy but fun days ahead, with lots more to share another day.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

What If?

Today is a gorgeous, warm, and breezy day. It feels like spring! Too bad I am not feeling well enough to fully enjoy this lovely weather. I am having tummy troubles today, the same kind of stomach issues I had when pregnant with Jacob. A lot of my issue is due to over consumption of gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barely, and rye, which is pretty much in everything we eat. I have had issues with gluten before but pregnancy causes my sensitivity to this protein to become so much worse. I also suffer with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, in one word, Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism also causes one to be sensitive to gluten, so ingesting it makes my condition worse. Ugh!!!
Anyhoo, enough complaining.....
Have you ever asked yourself the question, what if?.... Last night I lay in bed trying to fall asleep and a very profound thought occurred to me, what if we dwell too much on our reality instead of our possibility. What if we think we are being a realist when really we are just not seeing the possible. I can honestly say, that too often I have made this mistake of worrying about a current situation rather than what that situation could lead to. Sometimes God takes us through certain trials to teach us things about ourselves. Some of  these turn out to be the simplest of things but so elusive to us. Like seeing the positive in the negative, choosing to be happy in an unhappy situation, bringing joy to a sad moment, to be the light in someone's darkness, even our own. Life can throw some pretty wicked curve balls our way knocking us off our feet, making it very difficult to see the good in it. As I lay there, I began to ponder what areas of my life can I see the possibility of what if? Some of the situations you face may seem impossible, you might not be willing to face them and ask what if. But we serve a God of the impossible, that makes anything possible. Our God is a God of what if's, He turns our realities into great big possibilities. It is up to us to choose the possibility and have the faith that He will change your circumstance. Take that leap with me, let us walk in possibility rather than reality. What if?


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Yesterday was a gorgeously gray and rainy day. What others call dreary, I find beautiful, I love rainy days. The sound of it falling all around, the way it waters the earth, the way it seems to make everything appear richer in color. There is so much beauty when it rains, you just have to look.
Our garden is in full bloom now. It is so exciting to see little buds appear from beneath the rich soil where you placed a single tiny seed. Oh how magnificent is the handiwork of our God, how he so creatively engineered the seed to turn into something so lovely, and edible. I love to hear the joyful squeal's from my son, saying, "it's growing!", he loves to see the buds of our vegetables appear bigger each new day. Pretty soon they will be big enough to transplant outside into our big garden beds.
We have been working outdoors when the weather permits, to clean up and prune the yard for spring. Although temperatures are still a bit nippy, spring seems to be slowly but surely making it's way in our direction. This year I have decided to plant flowers, lots and lots of them. I love flowers, the colorful, bright bouquet of fragrance they bring to the air. I have started some Lupine seedlings here in the house, hopefully those will take and do well.
Hope ya'll are having a great week and that things are blooming in your world!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring Planting

Although it is still quite chilly and at times icy outdoors, we have begun indoor spring planting. It was very exciting to set up all the little planters and fill them with rich organic soil, and label them for the seeds. My husband and I spent about an hour preparing everything for our indoor greenhouse. For now our little planters will remain in our living room near the window, for as much natural light exposure as possible. We both enjoy gardening so much, and being able to grow our own food is such a blessing. We are growing various vegetables, fruit, and herbs. This season I hope to use our herbs for teas and homemade soaps. I was able to pick some mint leaves from both of our mint plants, to prepare making mint tea. I love a cup of hot mint tea on a cold rainy evening, or a glass of iced mint tea in the summer.  
If you have never tried your hand at growing your own veggies and fruit, I encourage you to try. If it seems too daunting of a task then start with some herbs that you can grow in your kitchen. It is quite simple and so satisfying to be able to eat something you grew.