Friday, January 30, 2015

Frugal Friday

Those of you who know me well, know that I love to shop resale....I cannot pass up a good bargain! Today I took a trip to the Goodwill and really hit the jackpot on some cute tops for myself, and some onesies for our new little munchkin. I love being frugal, it really helps to keep me creative. Here are a few pics of my Goodwill haul for Frugal Friday!!!
I tried to keep the onesies as gender neutral as possible. They can be dressed up for either boy or girl with the swapping out of a little skirt or boys' pants.
The pink tank top I already had, but the blouse(which is sleeveless and has ruffles around the neckline) is a sheer material so definitely needed the tank underneath. It is by a.n.a, which is a JcPenney brand. The greyish, green cardigan, which did not come with the sheer top, ties in the front and is a stretchy jersey material, by Banana Republic.
This lovely striped top with a soft purple neckline is by Old Navy. It is super soft and oh so comfy. The stripes are navy blue, at first I thought they were black.
Another soft, comfy top which will probably just be worn around the house as the top dips a little low. It is purple with silvery, gray stripes. This top is by Mossimo, which I think might also be a JcPenney brand, but don't quote me on that.
Again, the pink tank is one I already had. This lovely, navy blue cardigan is super cute with the ruffled neckline and it is kind of a thicker material so I would probably not wear this in the summer months. This top is by Coldwater Creek, which happens to be a brand my mom really likes.
This grey and white striped cardigan is by Old Navy. I like how thin it is so I can wear this in the warmer months and not get overheated. This is one that I will also be able to wear after baby is born.
None of these tops are maternity, which I think is pretty neat! They are all size large so I had room enough for the belly. Each of these tops were under $5 and the onesies were under $2. Hope you enjoyed my Frugal Friday Find. Hope ya'll enjoy your weekend.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Halfway There!!!

As of Monday I am officially halfway through my pregnancy journey! We are so excited and gearing up for the birth of this precious little miracle. The baby is moving a lot these days, kicking and dancing(mostly on my bladder). I have had a good amount of energy and am trying to stay active and busy. I feel so blessed to not have been sick with all the yucky viruses going around right now. Our family, thank the Lord, has not been affected by it. I pray that this good fortune continues.
I feel like I have been going through the nesting stage a little early, or maybe it is the spring cleaning bug....? Every day I find something that needs cleaning or re-organizing. I have never been much of a "germ freak", but lately I am much more aware of germs and wanting to sanitize everything. I was not like this with Jacob but they do say each pregnancy is different. I definitely have different tastes with this little one- I mostly want fruit, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries....this is great because these are all so very healthy. With Jacob I wanted salty foods, and red meat(I am not much of a red meat eater).
Jacob asks me everyday, "where is my baby?". I lovingly place his hand on my belly and tell him that his baby is in my tummy and growing. He loves to lean over and tell the baby he loves her/him. He is already such a sweet and loving big brother. He also likes to smell my tummy and say, "mmmm, smells like baby." This makes me laugh, I love his imagination.
My belly is growing and I have been doing my best to take photos every week. I promise to post these photos as soon as I can get them off my camera(I do not have a USB cord so this make it a little difficult).
I do hope you all have been having a wonderful week so far!
PS: I am currently doing online birth classes with a lovely lady named Kristen Burgess. Her website is, this is a wonderful site with tons of helpful info. She is expecting their 7th child and has done at home, natural births with her 6 previous babies. I am learning so much and it makes me even more excited about our choice to have our baby at home in the water.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

18 Weeks

Wow, 18 weeks!!!! Almost to the halfway point, we are excited. Had a checkup with my midwife today, all is well. Baby's heartbeat is strong and he/she is growing as should be. My belly seems like it is getting bigger everyday. I love it, although I am not as big as I was with Jacob at this point. Maybe I won't be huge this time around. I remember being a little naive the first time around and was "eating for 2". This time I know better, eating healthier and making wiser choices. Have not felt very much movement yet, they say that I should closer to 20 weeks. I think I may have felt a few kicks at breakfast this morning, which was very exhilarating! Hopefully I will feel much more over the next week or so. That is all for now....

Friday, January 9, 2015

17 Weeks

17 weeks, I cannot believe that I am two weeks (Monday) away from being to the halfway point in this pregnancy. It has certainly gone by fast. I have been taking pics of my growing belly but have not had the chance to download them to my computer. As soon as I do, I promise to post them. It has been super cold these days, so not much playing outside. We have done our best to stay warm and busy indoors. Although keeping warm in this old house can be a challenge, with it being a pier and beam foundation the floors stay icy cold all the time.
We are hoping and praying to be pre-approved for a home loan very soon, we are so ready to have a house of our own again. I am anxious to paint and all before little one arrives. I know it is a little early for the nesting stage but hey pregnancy does a lot of weird and wonderful things to a woman so I imagine that this is par for the course. I am nesting early.....
Jacob is growing up so fast, his speech is ever expanding everyday. He amazes Aaron and I with all his new words. Speaking in full and complete sentences, we are so grateful. We are finally getting into a groove and mode of better understanding what he needs when he needs it. Autism is such an unpredictable condition. With him having only been diagnosed 2 years ago, it has taken almost this long for us to fully grasp and understand how to best help our son. Although I don't think we will ever stop learning about his condition. Every child with this condition presents with different symptoms so one particular approach isn't going to work for every child. We have learned what works for Jacob, albeit at times a little unconventional. I don't mind though, to see him happy and blossoming does this mommy's heart good.
I hope you all had a productive and blessed week.
Blessings, T.~